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浏览: 发布日期:2021-11-16

摩托车迷可以去 Moto Uchiyama的这家新酒吧喝一杯。Jonathan White撰文。 Moto Uchiyama Motorcycle Hangout. By Jonathan White.

如果你不是混摩托车一族的,你可能就不太能看懂这个酒吧名——这里的1%是个摩托手骑手圈子里的行话,指的是一群相对于99%的守法骑手而言的自封的“法外之徒” 。另外,如果你不玩摩托,你也肯定找不到这家酒吧。1%er Mokihi位于东四环附近的一间摩托车库里。这恐怕是全世界最专业的摩托车骑手主题的鸡尾酒吧(也是全世界最有摩托车骑手范儿的专业鸡尾酒吧),同时大概也是中国最“地下”的地下酒吧。听起来有点疯狂,不过它背后的运营团队是很靠谱的。主心骨Moto Uchiyama应该也是个摩托车爱好者,但是他也打理着多家酒吧,包括Mokihi,Er,Twilight和酒术,并且即将在三里屯的3.3商场开一家新酒吧。

If you’re not in a biker gang then the name might not make much sense – the 1 per cent here is a biker term for the gangs who regard themselves as outlaws as opposed to the 99 per cent of motorcycle riders who are law-abiding citizens. Then again, if you’re not in a biker gang, you might never find 1%er Mokihi. Located inside a bike garage near the East Fourth Ring Road, this might be at once the most craft cocktail biker bar in the world and China’s most “speakeasy” speakeasy. This may seem like madness but there is method behind it. Mastermind Moto Uchiyama might be a motorbike enthusiast but he also has Mokihi, Er, Twilight, Apothecary and the soon to open No3 atop Sanlitun’s 3.3 shopping mall on his CV.

Moto说1%er Mokihi对他的常客更具有吸引力。如果他们从好运街的Mokihi找过来,他们会在这里发现相同的经典鸡尾酒、日本威士忌,还有熟悉亲切的面孔,比如郑文洁(Zoe),她现在就全职在这里调酒。而且,如果你找不到这家新酒吧了,可以给Zoe发微信,她的微信号是WendyZ4。

Moto explains that this is a bar for his regulars, and those who make the trip from Mokihi’s Lucky Street location will find the same mix of classic cocktails, Japanese whiskies and friendly faces such as Zoe Zheng, who now spends her time here. And in fact, if you get lost, you can contact Zoe by WeChat at WendyZ4.

1%er | 北京朝阳区霄云路8号 | 8 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing | 他们没有电话 | no telephone

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